JMRMV is the biggest professional music college institution in Latvia with highly honoured history and rich traditions. Its origins can be found in last centuries 20th. JMRMV’s activities spread into three different directions – educational program familiarisation and preparation for high school, developing young musician’s professional experience through events and constant concert activity in a vast range of Latvian cultural events. It’s jazz department was founded in year 2006.
RTTEMA is a conceptually and technically modern professional higher education institution (HEI) founded by the state. It started its work in 1994 with 1273 students and now is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Latvia in terms of the number of students. Notwithstanding its young age, RTTEMA inherited the traditions of the educational institutions for teachers dating back to 1946. RTTEMA was founded on the occasion of the merger of two institutions: Riga Teachers’ Institute and Imanta Teachers’ Institute.
RDKS was founded in 1994. It gives its students the opportunity to study program required by the government combined with music. RDKS works intensively on developing every child’s talents and helping them to become professional musicians. Since year 2002 the program of Jazz studies with specialization in jazz music is available in day and evening departments. RDKS modern rhythm music program is IASJ (International Jazz School Association) member since 2003.