Veitnera-Kutepova džeza kvartets « JazzDay Latvia
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30. аprīlis 2014DAD CafeMiera iela 17
20:30Veitnera-Kutepova džeza kvartetsmodern contemporary jazz

Allthough Veitnera-Kutepova jazz quartet is a new ensemble that was born just some months ago all its participants are old friends that have been doing music together in a vast amount of bands for 15 years. These people are: Artūrs Kutepovs – guitar, Indriķis Veitners – saxophone and clarinet, Andris Grunte – doublebass and Kaspars Kurdeko – drums. The music they play is a reflection of their own musical interests that are connected at the same time to traditional and modern jazz and even avant-garde. Key motives of their collaboration is creativity, expression and searching for new roads in music.

Veitnera-Kutepova džeza kvartets